Our Team

Our Team

The assembled team of qualified academic specialists below organises the educational structure of Imperial Academy.  Under the firm foundations of such professionals, they provide secure and quality education for our students. All our teaching and supporting staff bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that is unmatched in the education industry. We have a proven track record for innovation and creativity while creating impressive and remarkable experiences for pupils from their early years.


Imperial Academy的團隊是由專業的教學及行政人員組成,不但熱衷於為小朋友建立優質的學習環境和氣氛,更為我們的學生提供可靠、高質素和專業的教育。我們的團隊擁有豐富的知識及經驗,教育人員不斷提高團隊創造力和尋找創新的機會,致力改良並運用適合不同學童的教育方式,為亞洲的學生提供印象深刻及獨特的學習經驗,成績有目共睹 。