KC Summer Preschool Week 4


暑假來到第四個星期,Imperial 小朋友學習了不同知識。小朋友利用不同材料進行了沙堡比賽,例如黏土、珠珠、畫畫等。運用無限創意,小朋友在同心合力下完成了不同作品,紀念得到的新奇知識和認識的新朋友。下個月主題環繞着海洋,讓我們期待一下老師會和在這個神秘的主題探索到什麼?

Summer Preschool  Review: Sandcastle 

The fourth week of the summer holiday has arrived, Imperial children have learned different types of knowledge. The children participated in a sandcastle competition , using various materials such as clay, beads, and painting. With boundless creativity, the children worked together to complete diverse creations , commemorating the new and fascinating knowledge they gained and the new friends they made . Next month's theme will revolve around the ocean, so let's look forward to what the teachers and children will explore in this mystical place!